Ibrahim Hassan Murad inspectes up gradation work in Mayo Hospital

Lahore : Provincial minister transport Ibrahim Hassan Murad visited Mayo Hospital and inspected main emergency of children, basements, Doctor’s labs on 7th floor and radiology department. He visited all floors and checked register of Labor of all shifts, showed displeasure on pace of ongoing revamping work. Excien along with SDO briefed to the minister that Imported lifts deliveries delayed while laminar air flow equipment delivery Expected in End of January, 2024. Basements and ground floor (radiology department) not handed over yet. So, the Work Progress at these floors is not satisfied. On this occasion, The minister said that Hospital management should keep close liaison with contractors to identify the proper places for fixing

the electric points, as well as, other key items to save time and money. Hospital management should
coordinate with building department to handover the 7th Floor So that the revamping of 7th Floor will
start. Labor count can be increased to start parallel working in all floors, he concluded.

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