110th Intensive Training Program (ITP) in Performance Auditing conducted by Directorate General Performance Audit Wing (DG PAW), Lahore under the umbrella of Auditor General of Pakistan. Three weeks long this training program attended by 14 Officers from all over Pakistan. Course contents were well designed and covered almost all the topics relating to the Performant Auditing, Concept of 3 Es, Objective, impact & scope of Performant Auditing, ISSAIs, Project Cycle, Strategic Planning, Performance Audit Cycle, Audit Assignment Plan, Performance Audit in Perspective of Environmental Issues, Performance Audit in IT Environment, Procurement, Inventory and Contract Management ,Development of Audit Criteria against Selected Issues, Audit Execution in Performance Auditing, Audit Evidence in Performance Auditing, Data Analysis in Performance Auditing, Finalizing Audit Activities, Audit Supervision and Review, Reporting Phase in Performance Auditing, Quality Assurance in Performance Audit, Client Satisfaction Survey, Audit Impact Analysis and Lessons Learned, Follow-Up in Performance Auditing and Issues in Managing Performance Audit. The instructors emphasized on all the phases of Performance Auditing i.e. Planning, Execution Reporting & Follow-up. DG Performance Audit Wing Lahore Dr. Sami Ullah Teepu while addressing the participants said that there is no denying the fact that training has specific goals of improving one’s capacity and performance. Training has an advantage allowing people to get away from work and concentrate more thoroughly on critical issues. This type of training has proven more effective tool for inculcating fresh concepts, and ideas especially interacting with participants from Field Audit offices. The Chair also delivered the message of the Auditor General of Pakistan that the commitment, dedication, appropriate knowledge and skills may lead the Performance Auditors and auditee both in the right direction, to serve the common cause of acquiring and utilizing the state resources efficiently and effectively. This will go a long way in improving the governance & better service delivery as expected by the stakeholders. The Director General Performance Audit Wing awarded certificates to the successful candidates.

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