10 doctors among 13 medical staff being treated for Congo virus in Agha Khan Hospital

Independent Report

QUETTA: In all 13 medical staff members including 10 doctors of the Sandeman Provincial Headquarter Hospital contracted Congo virus in Quetta are being treated at the Agha Khan Hospital Karachi.
According to the spokesman of Health Department, the doctors and paramedics have been shifted to Karachi from Quetta for treatment of the Congo Virus.
The condition of two doctors is stated to be unstable, the spokesman told. Other doctors and paramedics’ condition is, however, stated to be stable and being provided necessary medical treatment at the Agha Khan Hospital Karachi.
It may be mentioned here that a doctor namely Shakrullah Jan suffering from Congo virus had died in Karachi on Sunday last.
A health emergency has already been launched in view of the prevalence of Congo virus in the province.

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